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8 Tips for Flying and Driving Trips This Summer

Summer vacation is just about here, and the fantastic weather, holiday celebrations and long weekends mean it’s time for some traveling! Whether you’re hitting the road or boarding a plane, there are a few things you can do in advance for a smooth, stress-free vacation.

Flying and Driving Tips

When you’re flying, you hope for a turbulence-free flight. Although this may be out of your control, here are a number of items you can personally plan from the time you check-in until the time you leave your destination’s airport for ‘bump-free’ travels:

1.  Purchase your airline tickets early, and make sure to use your name exactly as it appears on your identification. While you might not always use your given or legal name, or the name listed on your form of identification, this is the name that officials will be looking for when you check in.

2.  Arrive at the airport early. With heightened safety measures being taken by the Transportation Security Administration, the TSA lines can be long, and there can often be delays. It’s important to be ready to go when your plane is boarding, and arriving early can bring you peace of mind. It is recommended to arrive at the airport 2 hours before any domestic flight, and at least 3 hours before any international flight.

3.  Update your passport. Some states have now mandated an updated passport. Research the requirements before you board, and give the government enough time to process a passport update. Typically, passport updates and renewals take about eight weeks; expediting your update for an additional fee can be done in about two to three weeks.

4.  Mark your luggage. Tie a ribbon or colored strap to the handle, consider a piece of unique fabric, or find another creative way to make your luggage stand out from the crowd. This will help you move faster through when it comes time to pick up your bags.

If you choose to hit the open road this summer, preparing in advance can help prevent you from having to put the “hazard lights” on your entire trip:

1.  Ensure your car has had the proper maintenance. Before you load up to leave, make sure you’ve had an oil change and checked the air pressure in your tires. If you have any hesitations, take your car in for a tune-up. Don’t forget to bring a spare tire, first aid kit, and road kit, and fill your tank up with gas before you leave.

2.  Know where you’re going. Bring along a programmed navigational system. Whether you have an aftermarket GPS or your vehicle has a built-in system, make sure to program the directions before you leave, as many systems are automatically turned off when the vehicle is in motion. You should also consider bringing a fully charged cell phone and physical map as backups.

3.  Never drive tired. Too many accidents happen each year because of tired drivers. Check your map before you go to find appropriate stops to sleep. Whether you find a relative’s house along the way or stop at a hotel, give yourself ample time to rest.

4.  Prep for passengers: If you’re traveling with children, make the trip comfortable for them, as well. Car games, toys, electronics, snacks, drinks and special “car packs” can help keep them entertained, fed and hydrated, while cutting down on the ever-popular “Are we there yet?” question.

Finally, regardless of how you travel, always keep your house protected. Don’t post your travel plans or itinerary online. This can tip off burglars that you’ll be out of town, and will help to prevent any break-ins. It’s also a good idea to ask a trusted friend or family member to check on your home, bring in the mail, and give the impression that someone is at home.

Wherever or however you decide to travel this summer, try to take as many precautionary measures as possible to ensure a happy, safe journey for your entire family. This includes staying properly hydrated! When the beating summer sun is out, it can do unspeakable damage to the human body. For information on how heat and dehydration can hurt your body internally, click here!

The 7 Most Serious Traffic Violations in CT.

The summer season is just kicking off, and it’s the perfect weather for road trips, hopping in the car and heading to a park, or just going on a leisurely, scenic drive. With more people on the roads, the chances are greater that motorists will commit traffic violations of all sorts. There are seven, though, that can be especially serious. These driving infractions in Connecticut are severe enough to not only raise your auto insurance premium but can also carry some hefty legal penalties.

  • Driving without insurance:

Uninsured drivers will receive a warning notice when their insurance has been canceled or lapsed. Registrants must either enter into a consent agreement or obtain insurance and pay a fine of $200. If they do nothing, they’ll get a suspension notice in the mail; if they choose not to respond, they could face suspension of their registration as well as any renewal or registration privileges for any motor vehicle.

  • Street racing/stunting:

Street racing can result in an automatic one-year suspension for drivers caught speeding, as well as a fine that can range from $75 to $600. Second offenses can lead to another one-year suspension, as well as a fine that can range from $100 to $1,000. Any damages can also lead to further charges. The act of street racing is also VERY dangerous to all motorists involved and is always discouraged outside of a legal and professional racing forum.

  • Driving with a suspended license:

Driving with a suspended license is illegal in Connecticut, and can lead to criminal penalties, including fines of between $150 and $200, as well as three months of jail time for the first offense. Subsequent offenses can lead to higher fines and lengthy jail time.

  • Failure to stop when signaled/Evading police:

Drivers who fail to stop when signaled by the police can face a license suspension of at least year one year and fines starting at $100, depending on the severity of the outcome. Always pull over to the right side of the road when a police cruiser signals behind you via flashing lights and/or sirens; and be sure to yield in the same manner for emergency response vehicles as well.

  • DUI (driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol):

Driving under the influence can have serious repercussions. Aside from the penalties of being caught, drivers who have chosen to get behind the wheel under the influence can be responsible for extensive property damage, physical injuries, and even death. The first offense can bring a fine of $500 to $1,000. By the third offense, a driver could face up to $8,000 in fines. Drivers may also receive a license suspension, as well as potential criminal charges.

  • Hit and run:

Also known as evading responsibility, a felony hit and run charge can lead to probation, between one and ten years in jail, or a fine of up to $10,000.

  • Vehicular manslaughter:

There is a difference between voluntary and involuntary vehicular manslaughter. A driver who intended to injure a victim with their car and ends up killing them could be convicted of first-degree manslaughter, face up to 20 years in prison and up to $15,000 in fines. On the other hand, a driver who was acting negligently and caused someone’s death accidentally may receive a punishment of up to one year in prison and $2,000 in fines.

The distractions of summer fun can sometimes take their toll and can end up costing you higher insurance premiums or much worse. Operating a motor vehicle should always be taken seriously, especially during a season of crowded roadways. Always use caution and abide by all Connecticut state driving laws when traveling anywhere to avoid traffic violations or injuries to ensure the safest, happiest summer ever!

If you believe a recent traffic infraction might threaten your current auto insurance premium, give us a call here at Waitte’s Insurance Agency. We pride ourselves in helping all motorists obtain the best possible insurance rates for over 100 years!

Involved in an Accident? Take These 8 Steps Immediately After

No one expects to be in a car accident, but in the off chance that it does happen you need to be prepared. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, the following steps will help you weather the storm with as little distress as possible.

Pull over

If you have been involved in an accident, the worst action you can take is continuing to drive, as this can result in serious legal ramifications. Whether you are at fault or not, pull over to the side of the road where it is safe. If you cannot move your car, turn on the hazard lights or place cones around the vehicle. Then, take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to calm down before you get out of the car to talk to the other involved parties.

Check for injuries

Check to see if you or any of your passengers have been injured. Call 911 right away, even if the injuries are minor. Although you may want to check your passengers right away, check yourself first, to determine if you are well enough to be helpful to any injured parties in the car.

Call the police

Call the police and stay on the phone with them until they arrive on the scene. Calling the police will assure that there is an official record of the accident. This will become important if either party wants to initiate a lawsuit. The police can also call for additional help if necessary once they assess the situation. Don’t forget to make note of the officers’ names and badge numbers, just in case you will need the information later.

Remain in your vehicle

Eventually, you will have to leave your car if you are able to. However, remain in your car with the seatbelt fastened until it is safe to exit the vehicle. Standing near the card can put you in danger of being hit by oncoming traffic.

Exchange information

Get the contact information of the other person or people who were involved in the accident. Important pieces of information to get include names, addresses, phone numbers, license plate numbers, driver’s license numbers, vehicle identification numbers, insurance company names and policy numbers. Also, make note of the makes and models of the other vehicles that were involved.

Talk to witnesses

Talk to anyone who witnessed the accident. Write down the information they provide and make sure they agree to let your attorney and insurance company contact them if necessary.

Take photos

Photos of the damage to your car and the other cars involved will document it in case your insurance company needs it. It can also protect you if the other party claims their injuries or the car damage is worse than what actually occurred. Also, take pictures of all of the people involved in the accident.

Call your insurance company

Call your insurance company as soon as you can to report the accident and file a claim. The faster you take this step, the quicker you will start the process of having your car repaired and obtaining a rental vehicle if necessary.

Following these steps will help you make an unnerving situation more manageable. If you’ve been involved in an automobile accident, Waitte’s Insurance Agency want’s to ensure that you’re covered financially and compensated appropriately. In between insurance premiums? You can receive a rate quote by clicking here.

12 Tips to Keep Halloween Festive & Safe

HalloweenA bit mystical, magical and fun, Halloween draws all kinds of kids in search of candy treats and harmless gags. Unfortunately, this popular childhood staple could run the risk of turning into a nightmare. Taking a few simple precautions can keep the excitement alive and the haunting all in fun without compromising the safety of your home or your little ones.


1. Un-Mask

Non-toxic face paint makes for a safer costume accessory than a mask. While masks can provide a realistic look, they can limit and block vision, creating a risk of injury. They also hold the potential of restricting a child’s breathing, as some masks can be too tight and constrictive to allow adequate breathability. There are many online tutorials available on how to create the perfect face paint look for your desired costume.

2. Know the Route

While an adult should ALWAYS accompany younger children, be sure older trick-or-treaters know the route to safe treats. Review safety and emergency protocol with all children before the big night.

3. Get Glowing

Choose costumes which are bright and easily seen in darkened areas. Add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags to increase visibility for passing motorists.

4. Share the Wealth

Host a candy swap at home to exchange favorites among siblings or a few friends. With the loot spread out, use this as an opportunity to discard items with signs of tampering, such as spoiled, unwrapped or looking otherwise suspicious.


1. Set the Stage

Be sure the carving or decorating area is clean and well lit. The gooey mess of pumpkin innards creates slippery surfaces which affect the stability of both the pumpkins and tools.

2. Get Crafty

For younger celebrators, gather the art supplies and let them decorate safely without the sharp carving tools. Paint, permanent markers and glue on accessories such as pom-poms and yarn make for one-of-a-kind creations.

3. Choose Tools Wisely

Specialty tools work best to carve those infamous pumpkin characters, according to Consumer Reports. Small, easy-to-handle tools designed to tackle this gooey job decrease risk of injury.

4. Extinguish the Flame.

Consider an alternate lighting source for those beloved jack-o-lanterns. Flashlights and battery-operated candles offer safer glowing creations than flamed candles. If you insist on that genuine candle flame look for your jack-o-lantern, never leave lit flames unattended and always extinguish them properly before the end of the evening.


1. Be the Light

Though it may slightly hinder the creepy mood and atmosphere, replace burned out light bulbs and light your home’s exterior to increase visibility. This allows residents to more clearly see any potential pranksters that may be tempted to pull a ‘trick’ rather than ask for a treat.

2. Park It

Park your vehicles in a garage (if possible) to deter pranksters.  If a garage is not available, park your vehicles as closely to your home as possible. Never keep valuables inside your vehicles on Halloween night.

3. Lock It Up

While continually locking the front door in between visitors should go without saying, it offers protection for your home when you are distracted by the festivities. Be sure to keep all additional entryways locked, especially while handing out candy at your main entrance.

4. Be Alert

Even amid the jovial atmosphere, be certain to keep your eyes open to your surroundings. Consider handing out treats in the driveway for better sight lines and home security.

Preventing a Halloween nightmare is as simple as following the suggestions listed above. Waitte’s Insurance Agency encourages people of all ages to enjoy all facets of the holiday but to do so responsibly!

In the unlikely event of a natural disaster or your home is vandalized, do you know what your current Homeowners Insurance policy covers?  Call us today at (860) 886-1961 to review your coverage.

Fighting Connecticut Traffic Violations: Is it Worth it?

If you have ever received a traffic ticket, your first instinct may have been to fight it – after all, many people believe that the citation was unjust and that they did not deserve the harsh penalty that they received. However, roughly only 3 percent of drivers who receive traffic citations actually contest them in court, and choosing to do so relies purely on the circumstances surrounding the ticket. You’ll want to ask yourself the following questions before you consider fighting Connecticut traffic violations

1. Is the cost of the ticket worth the expenses it would take to fight it?

Going to court requires taking time off of work, finding reliable transportation, and possibly hiring legal counsel to help you with your court battle. All of these costs combined may be greater than the loss you would incur by just paying the ticket.

2.  Do I have the time to go through the process of fighting it?

Court cases for driving infractions typically don’t drag on for weeks or months like other cases can, but you still must be prepared to take at least one entire day off from work just in case. Taking time away from your work and personal schedules to fight a simple speeding ticket could serve as an inconvenience, especially if you have an unforgiving employer or a position that really requires you to be there on the court date.

3. Will the ticket influence my insurance rates?

If your premium increases because of the ticket you received, you may actually be saving money by fighting it in court – even with the expenses mentioned above. Check with your insurance agency to find out how certain citations affect your rates.

4. Could I lose my license if I don’t fight the ticket?

Some motorists run the risk of losing their licenses if they have tallied up multiple traffic violations. If this is the case, it provides a valid reason for you to go to court, as you don’t want to lose your mode of transportation or be forced to attend traffic school over another ticket.

5. Do I have a solid defense to successfully fight the ticket?

Without proper representation, fighting the ticket may simply be a waste of time. Review your options  you may need to hire an attorney who has experience with traffic cases and can help advise you through the process as well as in court.

Defenses for Fighting Connecticut Traffic Violations:

If you are considering going to court, there are several possible defenses (if applicable) that you could use to successfully get a traffic citation overturned. For example, if you can provide proof that the view of the police officer who pulled you over was obstructed, this could warrant dismissal of the violation. If you were cited for speeding and a radar gun was used, check whether it could have been compromised by something in the surrounding area. Alternatively, you could bring up the need to keep up with the flow of traffic (if there was any at the time).

Whenever you receive a traffic ticket, make sure to get testimonials from witnesses and document everything, including the officer’s name, badge number, their temperament, and the weather conditions. Finally, take photos to document the area where you were pulled over.

In the event that you are pulled over, it is important to remember one thing. Whether you believe the traffic ticket you received is justified or not, ALWAYS cooperate with the citing officer, abide by his or her instructions and treat them with the utmost respect. Acting irrationally and unnecessarily escalating the situation could result in additional citations that will only affect you long after the officer has left.

The most common traffic citation issued by police officers on a daily basis is due to speeding. But do you know what types of driving infractions in Connecticut could cost you the most?

How a Rough Winter Could Impact Your Car Insurance Premiums

Connecticut drivers aren’t strangers to driving in the snow. However, we can all use a little reminder as to what to do to properly prepare for the winter season; which can put exponential  wear and tear on your vehicle. There are a few simple precautions you can take to help your car survive the winter in good condition. Wear and tear cannot only affect the life of your vehicle, but also your car insurance premiums.

Here are some preventative measures to take during winter to avoid increased car insurance premiums:

Have your vehicle thoroughly inspected.

Before winter reaches the coldest months of the year, make sure that the maintenance on your car is evaluated thoroughly so everything is up to code. Change the oil and fill up both the wiper fluid and engine coolant. It is recommended to check tire pressure once a month to ensure it is consistently at the recommended PSI. You may want to add a little air into your tires anyway since the air will contract on bitter cold days. Doing this before sub-zero temperatures arrive will allow you to add an adequate amount of air while you can still feel your hands.

Make sure your tires are safe.

Check your tires before winter hits to make sure you have enough tread left on them. The roadways will be challenging enough without the extra worry of bald tires. A great way to check to see if your tires have sufficient tread is the penny test. Stick a penny face down into the tread of each of your tires – if you can still see more than half of Abraham Lincoln’s head, it’s time to consider replacing your tires. To get the best protection you could also invest in snow tires.

Don’t let your gas tank get too low.

If you have a habit of letting your gas tank run all the way down to ‘E’, try your best to break this habit during the winter. Your engine has to work harder when it’s cold out and you don’t want to risk running out of gas. Always keep your tank at least halfway full. By having half of a tank or less, it could cause ice to form in your fuel lines.

Be careful of where you park during bad weather.

Accumulated snowfall on tree branches can cause them to become weak and break. Do not park your car under any trees where weak branches can fall. You also shouldn’t park on the street during a storm. This could get your car buried or struck by a plow, or even get your car towed if there is a parking ban in effect – which will certainly increase your car insurance premiums.

Wash car regularly to prevent salt erosion.

In the winter, especially in New England, your car will be constantly picking up salt. If left on your car for an extended period of time, this salt can cause corrosion. Even though it can be difficult to do in the low temperatures, you should be rinsing off your car periodically. Spray the undercarriage of your car where it is the most susceptible to corrosion. If possible, try to shoot for once per month or whenever salt excessively builds up.

Leave an emergency kit in your car.

For the safety of yourself and any passengers you have with you, always keep an emergency kit in your car in the event you become stranded or have an accident. The kit should include blankets, a flashlight, washer fluid and flares. Also, make sure you have a reserve of water and nonperishable snacks.

Keep yourself safe and your car insurance premiums steady by preparing your vehicle for any situation that winter throws at you. With the speculation that New England will experience especially harsh weather conditions this year, you’ll also want to know how to better control your vehicle on snowy and icy roads.

Connecticut Driving Seniors: When it’s Time to Consider Giving Up the Keys

From the moment a young driver receives his or her driver’s permit and well into their adult years, the ability to drive becomes a tent-pole for independence and transportation. However, like many other factors that can begin to diminish with age, certain individuals lose the ability to drive for a number of reasons once they reach senior citizen status. It is important for Connecticut driving seniors to stay sharp and identify when they might start having difficulty operating a motor vehicle. While it may not be ideal, certain seniors may need to make the decision to turn over their car keys indefinitely for the safety of themselves and other motorists on the road.

Is Age a Concern?

Road safety for driving senior citizens is crucial for keeping drivers from incident and injury. On average, individuals begin to lose some of their mental clarity and reflexes which enable safe driving around age 65, with a notable increase of fatal accidents happening between ages 70 and 74.

Though age may not indicate everything about your driving ability and individual skills, these numbers are alarming and should be an indicator of when someone should begin running through personal auto safety checklists. Ask yourself or your aging loved ones about recent traffic violations, near misses and other driving difficulties. If you notice an increase in any of these factors, you may need to re-evaluate your ability to drive safely.

What Health Factors May Impact Driving?

Health factors that crop up with age are considered one of the main causes behind a senior citizen’s reduced driving safety. Vision and hearing impairments are leading causes of reduced driver safety. These declines can cause serious challenges for Connecticut driving seniors who must pay attention to many moving components, including on-dash indicators like the speedometer and pedestrian activity on the side of the road.

If you fear that your age or the age of a family member has negatively affected the ability to drive or obey traffic laws, there are ways to combat some of the factors working against you.

How Connecticut Driving Seniors Can Keep Their Keys:

First, consult your doctor for a physical examination and get a visual exam, as well. These appointments are preventative measures to rule out serious health problems that can not only inhibit your driving abilities but may be a sign of illnesses. In some states, regular doctor’s notes regarding your capacity for safe vehicle operation are required in order to renew your driver’s license. This is not, however, a requirement in the state of Connecticut.

You can also employ some healthy living measures, like light physical exercise and good sleep habits to help you be more and alert throughout the day and on the road. Regular exercise with strength training and stretching can improve flexibility and provide the quicker reflexes that are required behind the wheel. Driving during good road conditions and when the sun is shining may also help you to feel more confident behind the wheel.

For Connecticut driving seniors, the life-impacting decision to turn over your car keys is definitely not an easy one, but there is no shame in it! For the overall safety of all parties involved on the roadways, it will provide peace-of-mind to stay realistic about one’s abilities. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a medical professional for you or a loved one if you fear they are no long able to drive on their own.

To all Connecticut driving seniors, or enthusiastic teens ready to hit the road for the first time, ALWAYS make sure that you are properly insured!

Click Here to Receive a FREE Competitive Analysis to Assure You Are Not Paying Too Much!

Connecticut Seat Belt Laws & Common Misconceptions

Beautiful spring weather has finally arrived in Connecticut! With the temperatures beginning to climb, more and more people are hitting the not-so-open road. Although it is always the right time to practice road safety, with the increased number of motorists on roadways, it is even more important to be careful and vigilant. One of the easiest and most important ways you can stay safe on the road is by following Connecticut seat belt laws. For those who are unclear as to the laws in place within the state, we’d like to provide a thorough reminder.

Front Seat Use:

Anyone driving a car in Connecticut MUST wear a seat belt by law. Similarly, anyone who is a front seat passenger must also be secured in the car with a seat belt. This law must be followed by anyone who is in the front seat of a car, regardless of age or level of driving experience.

Teenage Drivers:

Drivers between the ages of 16-17 must always wear a seatbelt. Every passenger in their car must also wear a seatbelt when the teen is driving. Any driver or passenger found guilty of not following this law is subject to a fine of $75.

Two-Part Systems:

If your car has a two-part seat belt system, both the shoulder strap and lap belt must be engaged when you are operating the car. If the shoulder strap fastens automatically, you need to still be sure to manually fasten the lap belt. Wearing just one part of the seat belt is unsafe and therefore prohibited by Connecticut law.


Air bags are a safety feature that have become standard equipment in most new cars. However, if your car is equipped with an air bag, it does not make you exempt from wearing a seat belt. Seat belts and airbags work in tandem to keep drivers and passengers safe in the event of an accident. Although airbags will protect you from injury if you hit the steering wheel, seat belts are designed to protect you during side impacts or if the car rolls over.

Connecticut Seat Belt Laws For Children:

Children under the age of 16 need to abide by the following restraint and safety system guidelines.

Misconceptions Regarding Seat Belts:

Seat belts have been around for a long time, but there are still many misconceptions that perpetuate regarding them, often fueled by those opposed to them. Your best ammunition against this misinformation is to have the facts. Here are some common seat belt misconceptions along with rationale to disprove them.

1. Misconception: I can get trapped inside a car if I’m wearing a seat belt

Fact: Seat belts can be released in mere moments. In fact, it takes less than a second. In the rare event that you are in an accident that forces your car underwater, wearing a seat belt may prevent you from hitting your head and being knocked unconscious. So, your chances of escaping improve with the belt.

2. Misconception: Seat belts are only good for long trips but not for everyday driving around town.

Fact: Statistically, most accidents that happen occur within 25 miles of one’s own home. Furthermore, the majority of accidents occur on roads where the posted speed limit is no more than 45 mph. Wearing a seat belt is every bit as important when you are driving throughout your neighborhood than it is when you are out on the open highway.

3. Misconception: Some people who are in accidents and not wearing seat belts are thrown out of the car and walk away uninjured.

Fact: If you are in an accident, you have a better chance of survival if you stay in the vehicle. Wearing a seat belt can keep you in the car rather than being thrown out of it and potentially into the path of another vehicle or something equally as dangerous.

4. Misconception: If my vehicle gets hit on the side, I am better off being thrown from the vehicle and away from the point of impact.

Fact: When a vehicle is hit on the side, anything in the vehicle that is not secured (including the passenger) will move toward the side of the crash, not away from it. It is better to be fastened in by a seat belt to reduce the chance of being thrown anywhere.

5. Misconception: I can brace myself at slow speeds.

Fact: A head-on crash at speeds as slow as 25 mph has an impact similar to that of a bicycle slamming into a brick wall. It is simply impossible to brace yourself for an impact of that nature.

Connecticut seat belt laws were created to keep drivers protected. By not following them every time you depart in your car, you not only risk legal ramifications but also the safety of yourself and any passengers with you. So enjoy the wonder of spring in the air and start planning that road trip… responsibly!

Not abiding by Connecticut seat belt laws is just one way you could end up in financial hot water. You also need to have adequate insurance coverage. If you’re in the market for a new insurance policy, we are happy to help you get started!

Get your FREE Rate Quote for automobile insurance HERE!

Teen Driving Insurance in Connecticut

Before your newly permitted or licensed teen gets behind the wheel of their car make sure they have car insurance. Teen driving insurance in Connecticut is necessary and practical. Insurance is an expense, but there are tips to follow to help keep the price down without sacrificing coverage.

Insurance Needs for a Driver’s Permit

When your teenager secures their driver’s permit get in touch with your insurance agent to confirm whether or not they need a policy. Typically, permitted drivers are covered by the policy already in place on the vehicle they are driving. For instance, if your teen practices driving using your car with you present, they would be covered by your policy. Double check to make sure, so everything is set and everyone has the proper coverage.

Driver’s Education

Many insurance companies offer a discount to teens who have completed driver’s ed. Some insurers even offer their own advanced driving training program that may provide an additional discount, so ask. This extra training provides experience and instills responsibility while also saving money.

Choose the Right Car

Insurance premiums are based on the type and age of the car. Finding the right car takes work. Ideally, you want something new enough to be safe and dependable, but old enough to lock in a lower insurance rate. Sports cars and SUVs are often quoted higher rates, so a sedan is usually the best bet in terms of paying an affordable rate. This may not align with what your teen had in mind, but explain why this is the responsible decision.

Consider the Safety Features of a Car

Built-in safety features will give you peace of mind, but can also lower teen driving insurance in Connecticut. Cars with anti-lock brakes, daytime running lights, electronic stability control and automatic seatbelts may secure a lower insurance rate. Frontal airbags are required by law, and side airbags are now standard on most vehicles. Cars equipped with additional airbags, like rear window curtain airbags or inflatable seatbelts, may qualify for additional safety discounts.

Bundle Policies

Starting a new policy is often expensive. Adding your teen driver to your existing policy will typically be cheaper since it shows you are responsible for your teen. You may secure an additional discount by having multiple car insurance policies.

Talk to Your Agent

Check with your agent to see if there are any other discounts to be had for your child’s policy. Good student discounts may be an option to keep the cost down, and possibly incentivize your child to keep their grades up.

Secure the Best Price for Teen Driving Insurance in Connecticut

Make sure your teen is prepared for the road ahead as they take off on new adventures. Proper training and the right car are just some of the ways to get the best price possible for your teenager’s car insurance.

If you have teenagers in your homecoming to drivers age and would like to discuss Driving Insurance Options.

Please contact us by clicking here.