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Safekeeping - Health Living & Health Insurance

12 Tips to Keep Halloween Festive & Safe

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

A bit mystical, magical and fun, Halloween draws all kinds of kids in search of candy treats and harmless gags. Unfortunately, this popular childhood staple could run the risk of turning into a nightmare. Taking a few simple precautions can keep the excitement alive and the haunting all in fun without compromising the safety of your home or your little … Read more

7 Steps to Keep a Safe Workplace and Avoid Injuries

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

As a business owner, you have a legal and moral responsibility to provide as much of a hazard-free and safe workplace for your employees as possible. Many businesses, however, do not do everything in their power to keep their workplaces safe. Managers sometimes neglect to enforce various safety regulations or cut a few corners to save time and/or money. Even … Read more

Black Friday: From Origin to Modern Day Spectacle

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

Black Friday has something of an infamous reputation for becoming a no-holds-barred, bring-home-the-bacon, make-or-break the holiday season for many retailers and shoppers alike. From its humble beginnings as simple day-after-Thanksgiving sales to the modern day spectacle of excess it has become to many, Black Friday has consistently been the busiest shopping day of the year in the United States for … Read more

Fighting Connecticut Traffic Violations: Is it Worth it?

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

If you have ever received a traffic ticket, your first instinct may have been to fight it – after all, many people believe that the citation was unjust and that they did not deserve the harsh penalty that they received. However, roughly only 3 percent of drivers who receive traffic citations actually contest them in court, and choosing to do so … Read more

How a Rough Winter Could Impact Your Car Insurance Premiums

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

Connecticut drivers aren’t strangers to driving in the snow. However, we can all use a little reminder as to what to do to properly prepare for the winter season; which can put exponential  wear and tear on your vehicle. There are a few simple precautions you can take to help your car survive the winter in good condition. Wear and … Read more

Connecticut Driving Seniors: When it’s Time to Consider Giving Up the Keys

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

From the moment a young driver receives his or her driver’s permit and well into their adult years, the ability to drive becomes a tent-pole for independence and transportation. However, like many other factors that can begin to diminish with age, certain individuals lose the ability to drive for a number of reasons once they reach senior citizen status. It is … Read more

Norwich CT House Insurance: Protect Your Home This Winter

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

With freezing cold temperatures, you need to make sure to protect your home. In addition to having Norwich CT House Insurance, you must take the necessary steps to keep your home safe and ready for winter.  Your best bet is to safeguard against the following winter complications, but in even a worst-case scenario, having proper Norwich CT house insurance will lessen … Read more

Connecticut Personal Umbrella Insurance: What You Need to Know

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

Connecticut personal umbrella insurance is a safeguard that protects you from incurring unexpected expenses as the result of an accident. And while this sounds like the pitch for the auto and homeowners insurance policies that you already have, it’s actually a bit different. What Does Connecticut Personal Umbrella Insurance Cover? Consider, for a moment, that you are involved in an … Read more

Connecticut Health Insurance: What Could Affect Your Premiums?

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

While the month of February includes Valentine’s Day, the time to consider those near and dear to your heart, it’s also the month to remember to care for your actual heart. February is American Heart Month, which is a designated time to raise awareness of the factors that contribute to good heart health. Among these factors are exercising regularly, a diet featuring … Read more

Prevent Flood Damage to Your Home with 6 Simple Tips

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

Traditionally in New England, the period of time that leaves your home the most susceptible to flood damage is during the rainy spring season. Most often in March and April, consistent downpours and minimal sunshine can create a world of problems for homeowners. But as all Connecticut locals will tell you, if you don’t like the weather, just wait a … Read more

First Time Buying a Motorcycle? Read This Checklist Beforehand

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

As winter slowly fades into spring, people are gearing up for what should be delightful weather this season in New England. It’s the type of weather that is perfect for riding a motorcycle up and down the scenic east coast. While your buddies already have theirs, you might be thinking you are overdue for buying your own motorcycle. But before … Read more

Why Connecticut Employers Need Workers’ Compensation

By Jay Waitte | June 29, 2018

Workers’ Compensation is a type of insurance that is a MUST for employers to purchase in order to protect themselves and their employees in the event of an on-the-job accident. The Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Act (WCA) outlines the responsibilities of Connecticut employers to provide this protection for their employees. You cannot operate a business in Connecticut without a workers’ compensation … Read more