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Your Annual Physical: NOT Just For the Sick

Not everyone goes to the doctor for an annual physical every single year. However, if you are one of these people, then you could be seriously compromising your health without even knowing it.

Going to the doctor for an annual check-up is crucial to your long-term health, regardless of your age. Most people are unaware of underlying health issues they may have until they are seen by their doctor. Even if you are experiencing symptoms, you might not find them relevant until your doctor addresses them. For obvious illnesses such as a fever or the flu, a check-up is recommended immediately to treat whatever is temporarily ailing you. However, by not scheduling an annual physical for an overall examination of your health, dormant illnesses and/or diseases that you may have could go undetected and have time to metastasize or become worse.

Check-Up Preparation:

When you go in for your check-up, it’s important to be prepared. Try to have all necessary forms filled out prior to your appointment time and arrive 15 minutes early in the event you need to fill out additional forms. You should always know your family’s medical history dating back as far as your grandparents and create a list of questions and concerns for your doctor to address.

Common Physical Protocol:

Medical professionals typically inform patients of all the tests and procedures they will be performing during their physical, but always inquire about any part of the process you are unclear about. Know what ailments they will be testing for, why they are doing the tests and how they will be administered. Physicals commonly involve becoming up-to-date on all vaccinations, checking weight, blood pressure, and most likely blood testing to check cholesterol or a number of other factors.

Be Honest!

One thing to keep in mind when seeing a doctor for any reason is that you should always be as honest as possible. Medical professionals take a sworn oath to not judge anyone’s lifestyle or health decisions and make treating patients their number one priority. Even if they are not thrilled with some of your answers, knowing all of the facts about your history and daily habits only allows your doctor to treat you most effectively.  Stretching the truth, or “fibbing”, about factors such as the amount of alcohol you consume or if you smoke cigarettes ties the hands of your doctor and leaves you vulnerable to a misdiagnosis or being  prescribed unnecessary medications that could harm you further. So remember, be straight with your physician for the best possible results.

Although it may be unpleasant for some to visit the doctor, scheduling a simple physical annually can make the world of difference in your long-term health. Stay on top of any indications that your well-being is diminishing and always follow your physician’s recommendations.

When someone’s health begins to decline for any reason, medical bills will inevitably grow with the increased doctor visits. This is precisely why your health insurance should also have an annual check-up! If you need your current health insurance policy reviewed or would like to know your options for a new premium, Click Here to Receive a Free Rate Quote.