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The 7 Most Serious Traffic Violations in CT.

The summer season is just kicking off, and it’s the perfect weather for road trips, hopping in the car and heading to a park, or just going on a leisurely, scenic drive. With more people on the roads, the chances are greater that motorists will commit traffic violations of all sorts. There are seven, though, that can be especially serious. These driving infractions in Connecticut are severe enough to not only raise your auto insurance premium but can also carry some hefty legal penalties.

  • Driving without insurance:

Uninsured drivers will receive a warning notice when their insurance has been canceled or lapsed. Registrants must either enter into a consent agreement or obtain insurance and pay a fine of $200. If they do nothing, they’ll get a suspension notice in the mail; if they choose not to respond, they could face suspension of their registration as well as any renewal or registration privileges for any motor vehicle.

  • Street racing/stunting:

Street racing can result in an automatic one-year suspension for drivers caught speeding, as well as a fine that can range from $75 to $600. Second offenses can lead to another one-year suspension, as well as a fine that can range from $100 to $1,000. Any damages can also lead to further charges. The act of street racing is also VERY dangerous to all motorists involved and is always discouraged outside of a legal and professional racing forum.

  • Driving with a suspended license:

Driving with a suspended license is illegal in Connecticut, and can lead to criminal penalties, including fines of between $150 and $200, as well as three months of jail time for the first offense. Subsequent offenses can lead to higher fines and lengthy jail time.

  • Failure to stop when signaled/Evading police:

Drivers who fail to stop when signaled by the police can face a license suspension of at least year one year and fines starting at $100, depending on the severity of the outcome. Always pull over to the right side of the road when a police cruiser signals behind you via flashing lights and/or sirens; and be sure to yield in the same manner for emergency response vehicles as well.

  • DUI (driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol):

Driving under the influence can have serious repercussions. Aside from the penalties of being caught, drivers who have chosen to get behind the wheel under the influence can be responsible for extensive property damage, physical injuries, and even death. The first offense can bring a fine of $500 to $1,000. By the third offense, a driver could face up to $8,000 in fines. Drivers may also receive a license suspension, as well as potential criminal charges.

  • Hit and run:

Also known as evading responsibility, a felony hit and run charge can lead to probation, between one and ten years in jail, or a fine of up to $10,000.

  • Vehicular manslaughter:

There is a difference between voluntary and involuntary vehicular manslaughter. A driver who intended to injure a victim with their car and ends up killing them could be convicted of first-degree manslaughter, face up to 20 years in prison and up to $15,000 in fines. On the other hand, a driver who was acting negligently and caused someone’s death accidentally may receive a punishment of up to one year in prison and $2,000 in fines.

The distractions of summer fun can sometimes take their toll and can end up costing you higher insurance premiums or much worse. Operating a motor vehicle should always be taken seriously, especially during a season of crowded roadways. Always use caution and abide by all Connecticut state driving laws when traveling anywhere to avoid traffic violations or injuries to ensure the safest, happiest summer ever!

If you believe a recent traffic infraction might threaten your current auto insurance premium, give us a call here at Waitte’s Insurance Agency. We pride ourselves in helping all motorists obtain the best possible insurance rates for over 100 years!