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Stay Cautious With These Firework Safety Tips

Between Memorial Day, Father’s Day and the 4th of July, there is a lot to celebrate in the summer months. Many of these occasions call for certain traditions, such as grilling outside with family and friends and even setting off fireworks. While fireworks are illegal in Connecticut for personal use (except for sparklers and fountains), they are still legal in other states for small-party celebrations. We would never encourage the illegal use of these explosive displays in our state, but in the event that you find yourself visiting an area where it’s permitted, we’d like to provide a number of firework safety tips to prevent disaster throughout the summer festivities.

Firework Safety Isn’t Only a Precautionary Measure, it’s a Responsibility!

They are exploding devices, period:

And as such, they are very dangerous and can cause serious injury. The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to find a public display. Many towns host their own state-approved shows, spending thousands of dollars on top-of-the-line fireworks that you can’t buy at the fireworks stands. So gather the family and enjoy the sizzling, awe-inspiring displays together.

Fireworks damage property and onlookers:

Every year, fire marshalls around the United States report house and grass fires caused by fireworks. You could be liable and even charged with a felony if a fire, property damage or personal injury results from a firework (legal or illegal).

Pets aren’t too keen on fireworks displays:

It’s recommended not to bring your pet to a fireworks display or to shoot fireworks near your pets. Dogs especially have ultra-sensitive hearing and loud bursts can cause heightened anxiety for them. At home, before it gets dark, put your pet in an interior room with no windows so they can’t see (and hopefully hear less) of the fireworks. Many pets become afraid of the explosions and escape from their yards on holidays that involve fireworks, so check to make sure your pet is wearing an ID tag. In addition, it is common courtesy to warn any neighbors with pets that you will be setting off fireworks in the area. This will allow them to take the proper precautions for their pets ahead of time.

Pay attention to fire bans in your area:

Local television weather stations usually start reporting fire bans a few days before the holiday, and you can always call your local fire station. Always abide by posted warnings and bans in your local area.

Read all warning labels:

If you insist on creating your own fireworks displays, read the labels and the caution warnings to know how the fireworks will perform prior to lighting them. A responsible adult should ALWAYS supervise any fireworks. Everyone nearby should wear safety glasses. Needless to say, fireworks and alcohol don’t mix. So do your fireworks show first, then have a celebratory beer afterward.

Never give fireworks to children:

Enough said!

Don’t get crazy:

Remember the rule of thumb – lighting only one firework at a time, and never try to relight a “dud” firework that didn’t ignite the first time. Have a large bucket of water to douse any fires just in case. Once you have lit a single firework, back away from it quickly but carefully, as not to trip and fall in the process. And yes, we have to say it… fireworks should only be used OUTdoors and at least 50 yards away from any cars and homes.

Don’t get creative, either:

NEVER make your own fireworks. Those without the proper expertise in explosive chemicals and devices can put themselves in extreme danger. Many fingers have gotten blown off and serious injuries have occurred as a result of do-it-yourself fireworks. And don’t shoot fireworks into containers or at each other. Firework safety is about abiding by the posted instructions and not tempting fate.

We hope you take all of the above firework safety information into strong consideration to ensure happiness and safety for all of your loved ones during the summer holidays. To all Americans, we want your Independence Day to be without incident and filled with joy!

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