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Halloween Doesn’t Have to Be Scary!

While some families may opt-out of trick-or-treating this year, there will likely be those who still participate in the annual ritual. Though not all of the costumes will be scary, a few Halloween statistics surely are. According to the National Safety Council, “Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year.” 

While most little goblins and ghosts will be accompanied by an adult, twelve percent of children ages five and under are permitted to trick-or-treat with an older teen or preteen who is likely to be less attentive (Safe Kids Worldwide). 

Be sure your young ones wear costumes that are easily seen in the dark. If their garments are not already reflective, add reflective tape to the costume and/or treat bag. Remind kids to walk, not run, keep their heads up, and avoid looking at screens while on the move. Younger children should be accompanied by an adult, while older ones should let parents know what their route plan is and when they expect to be home. 

A few safety tips for drivers include driving at slower speeds and paying extra attention around driveways, alleyways, medians, and curbs. Inexperienced drivers should avoid the road if possible after dark. 

Our staff at Waitte’s Insurance Agency want you to have a safe and enjoyable Halloween. We care about the safety of our community because we are part of the community. Call us when you are ready to discuss your unique insurance needs.

Safe Kids Worldwide