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Essentials in Preparing Your Motorcycle for Scenic Connecticut Roads

The Winter winds are finally subsiding and the warm open road is waiting for you to get out and ride! But after leaving your ride in storage for the Winter, it’s important when preparing your motorcycle to check all of your safety equipment and review the laws and regulations to ensure your next road trip ends safely.

Motorcycle Laws and Regulations in CT

There are some important motorcycle safety regulations to keep in mind before you take yours out on the Connecticut roads. Eye protection is mandatory unless your vehicle has a windscreen, and if your bike was manufactured after 1980, daytime headlight use is required. Also, remember that riding two abreast in one lane is prohibited.

Licensing Courses

The Connecticut Rider Education Program for Motorcycle Safety offers four skill levels of courses which are available to all riders. You may also be eligible for a 10% discount on your motorcycle insurance policy by completing a rider education course in Connecticut.

Equipment Requirements

Although Connecticut law does not require motorcycle operators over the age of 18 to wear a helmet, doing so is one of the most crucial steps you can take to ensure your safety! According to state motorcycle accident statistics, in more than two-thirds of fatal motorcycle crashes the driver wasn’t wearing a helmet. Don’t skip this simple and essential step! Other requirements in Connecticut include having at least one rear-view mirror and a properly functioning muffler.

Restrictions for Riders Under 18

Riders under the age of 18 years old MUST wear a helmet at all times and are also required to complete a rider education course.

Insurance Requirements

Before you bask in the Spring sunshine, take the time to review your motorcycle insurance policy to make any necessary updates. A compulsory liability insurance policy is the minimum requirement in the state of Connecticut.

Does your current motorcycle insurance policy need to be reviewed or updated? Before you begin preparing your motorcycle for the beauty that New England has to offer during the Spring, contact Waitte’s Insurance Agency today and receive a premium quote!