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Discounted Insurance for Veterans

Veterans have risked their very lives to keep our country free. As a result, who better than our veterans to earn a discount when it comes to their home and auto insurance needs? Thankfully, there are many types of insurance discounts available for those who have fought so bravely to keep America safe.

Motor Vehicle / Auto Insurance Discounts:

This type of benefit entitles veterans to receive premium discounts on vehicles, such as sports bikes, motorcycles and cars. Some insurance companies are able to provide a discount of up to 20 percent off a veteran’s premium for vehicle coverage. Although minimum auto insurance is required in most states, it is a good idea to acquire more coverage than the minimum required when possible. Thankfully, due to the discount offered to veterans, they should be able to afford a plan that covers everything from bumper to bumper.

Home Insurance Discounts

In addition to discounts on motor vehicle insurance, many insurance companies will also discount a veteran’s home owner’s insurance policy. As a result, many veterans who have little to no coverage on their homes currently can acquire the protection for their homes that they deserve. An adequate home owner’s plan will provide enough coverage to replace the home that is covered, along with all the treasured mementos that lie within. It is a good idea to ask for additional coverage for specific items of value, such as collectibles, jewelry and the like.

Combining the Plans:

As is the case with many insurance bundles, veterans are often eligible for even more savings if they combine their home and auto policies by purchasing them through the same agency. Veterans who are attempting to find the best deal should explore this option when pricing plans, as it oftentimes will make already affordable plans even less strenuous.

If you have served in the military at any point during your lifetime, it is worth asking our office about possible military veteran’s benefits. After all, we want to reward those who have worked so hard to keep us safe. Therefore, a simple discount is the least we can do.   Call Waitte’s Insurance Agency today at (860) 886-1961 to inquire about further discounts for our nations heroes.