As the holidays are in full swing, the majority of us are thinking about gift shopping, visiting with family and loved ones, and the overall feeling of joy amplified by festive holiday music and warmth. However, it is important to remember that with all of the blessings that the holidays can bring, there are always those who have little to be cheerful about. From people facing hunger and homelessness to those battling life-threatening illnesses, the holidays can once again be the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ with our help. As you appreciate what you have this season, a little effort can go a long way by donating or volunteering to any of these charitable organizations:
1. The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army was established in 1865 as an evangelical Christian organization with the goal of supporting people in need with social services, which include food aid, disaster relief, assistance for the disabled, help for the ill and elderly, clothing and shelter for the homeless, and opportunities for underprivileged children. The organization’s store uses 82 cents of every dollar for these services, which provide help for over 130 million people in 5,000 communities across the country. You can help The Salvation Army in Norwich by volunteering at their holiday store, open December 11-24, or by donating at any time. Furthermore, by shopping at The Salvation Army, you help support the people receiving donations or assistance from this organization. Learn more by visiting ctri.salvationarmy.org/SNE/.
2. The Wounded Warrior Project
The Wounded Warrior Project helps injured veterans or service members heal after serving their country on or after the attacks of September 11, 2001. Through projects that support the four pillars of mind, body, economic empowerment, and engagement, the organization helps veterans adjust to life with a service-related injury. You can help by donating to the organization or volunteering at one of their numerous events. Visit www.woundedwarriorproject.org for full details.
3. Save the Children
Save the Children helps support children facing hunger, disease, homelessness, abuse, and a lack of education in the United States and around the world. If you’re looking to help, visit www.savethechildren.org for fundraising tips and other ways to make a difference.
4. The Pink Fund
The Pink Fund provides financial support to women who are diagnosed with breast cancer and their families. They assist in paying for medical bills and other devastating financial losses for breast cancer patients so that their main focus is on healing and recovery. The Norwich branch of this organization needs your help with donations and volunteering at their awareness programs. To learn more, go to www.thepinkfund.org.
5. Connecticut Food Bank
One out of seven people struggles with hunger daily in the state of Connecticut. The Connecticut Food Bank provides food and other services for those who need, and deserve a warm meal and care during the holidays. You can become part of the solution by donating food, funds, or even your time to the Connecticut Food Bank by visiting www.ctfoodbank.org.
Together, we CAN make a difference in the lives of those in need! Waitte’s Insurance Agency wishes you and your family a festive December and the happiest of New Years! And remember, always drive safely and responsibly before and after holiday celebrations.